Thursday, September 15, 2016

Open Up Yourself

One photo / One thought / One Day - 2 -

When we capture an image with someone inside, we can recognize him/her, telling he is ... she is ...
But the person inside is just a image of the real one, the real one continue to live somewhere else, while the photo is timeless, and immortal and so is the moment catch by the photo,
while the real one is mortal and temporal.

What if it was exactly the same with mind.
We do have some representation of ourselves and the world,
fix or even in mouvement but still landmark that we can think it is.
Now what if reality is not actually what we figure it out, because it is a merely impression and representation.
What if something live inside of you, might want something that is actually not real but an image of desire.
To open up might be in two different sens then considering if you make privilege for the one who live in his image, or the one who is behind the curtain.

what is really important to you ?
what is really you ?
who is the one who ask the question to him/herself ?

Can you figure it out ?
have you ever feel you can be someone else and still the same person, or different person but still having the same feeling inside whatever the life that you have ?

Now think you will not be the control of what you'll think,
close your eyes and let yourself see things inside of you without controlling the mind.
Or you can try this out, one day going only by intuition to where your senses take you without any goal or precise direction for all day long.

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