Friday, September 30, 2016

L'île Saint-Louis

Paris and her old fashioned groove,
Swing like a lady that want to be happy,
With the Inner tempo of a sunset, and a coffee,
And a peacefull mind at 
L'île Saint-Louis

Sunday, September 25, 2016


One photo / One thought / One day - 6 -

Angel doesn't exist, right ?

I think it exist if you see someone as it,
I must exist in real, if you think it's real,

Because it is was we think and what we see with our inner vision that stay in us,

So if you are not able to be what you want and other's disapointed you also,
it's by changing your view, and make it happen that you create finally your reality,

because it is the main things we can create,

Even when it's far from you,
the beloved speaks as an angel,
in our own,
making the distance nothing but a thinking,
a wishfull prayer.

Nothing is naive, actually believing in thought can be quite strong.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Travelling let us remember past, present, and unknown future at the same time.
It make you feel lost and found at the same time,

and it brings light or broke you in piece,

but all this is good memory...

My Joa, today i go,
but i will not forget you.

See you in Paris.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Tree of love

One photo / One thought / One day - 5 -

We get bigger as we search for the light,
the same way a tree does,

some get really big so compare to them we feel really small,

the suffering is like the leave who capture the light,
once they fall they die,

but the tree trunk stays,

don't worry about suffering, it is unavoidable,
but love is everywhere, even in the middle of nowhere.

sorry but to prove it i need a second image of the trunk, so there will be two photos today.

Eye and Mouth

Please, see with the star in your eyes,
Please, speak with the heart in your mouth.

Have a good day!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sunrise and sunset

One photo / One thought / One Day - 4 -

There are two moments in the day you can see how rich is the color of the sky.
Sunrise and sunset.
There are two moments in life you can see life value,
birth and death.
Every day you rebirth and and die again,
a small birth and and a small dead but still ...

some are more focus on birth and some on dying,
that mainly depends if you more appreciate the calm of the dark,
or the violence of the day.

Me I like mostly sunset and sunrise,
i i don't judge the way that make you rise or fall
because everyone rise or fall as the sky...

My seed is my soul, my wood is my life, my fire is what i do with it.

One photo / One thought / One Day - 3 -

What a world !
With as many ways to appreciate and depreciate.

It is because value that is a consequence of appreciate and depreciate need something to focus on as the same way fire need something to burn on.
And too much burning make our sky pollute and reduce our view.
It was nice to warm ourself but now, warning increase with the number of life, point of view, and pollution. We are saturated, yes we are, don't you feel ?

A fire is quick and furious, while a fruit of earth take so much time to make that wood to grow in order to give us some fruit.
but without that fruit, and without that tree, who can appreciate a good fire, and what will you make it with ?

It seems that the ones who seems to care for us to lives, for organisation of society, politician, have forgot this simple principe.
and see us as a big angry fire while making a fire start without even considering the necessity to plant in order to have good wood and good fruit before to burn the fire,
money is spend by million on project that doesn't really help.
how long before we reconsider value of things, value of life , value of profit ? and what is profitable ?
This is why many people also see the one who organize as a consuming fire, more bound to destruction than life...

can we be ourselves the gardian of the fire ?
Can we keep the seed, the tree, and the fire ?
So life stay a fest.

My seed is my soul, my wood is my life, my fire is what i do with it.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Open Up Yourself

One photo / One thought / One Day - 2 -

When we capture an image with someone inside, we can recognize him/her, telling he is ... she is ...
But the person inside is just a image of the real one, the real one continue to live somewhere else, while the photo is timeless, and immortal and so is the moment catch by the photo,
while the real one is mortal and temporal.

What if it was exactly the same with mind.
We do have some representation of ourselves and the world,
fix or even in mouvement but still landmark that we can think it is.
Now what if reality is not actually what we figure it out, because it is a merely impression and representation.
What if something live inside of you, might want something that is actually not real but an image of desire.
To open up might be in two different sens then considering if you make privilege for the one who live in his image, or the one who is behind the curtain.

what is really important to you ?
what is really you ?
who is the one who ask the question to him/herself ?

Can you figure it out ?
have you ever feel you can be someone else and still the same person, or different person but still having the same feeling inside whatever the life that you have ?

Now think you will not be the control of what you'll think,
close your eyes and let yourself see things inside of you without controlling the mind.
Or you can try this out, one day going only by intuition to where your senses take you without any goal or precise direction for all day long.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Korean harvest national fest called Chuseok is today.
It is the day, in autumn, when the people harvest the fruit of their planting.

It's the moment for the family that often is split between the older's that live into the countryside and the younger living in the city. Even this is changing fast... But Korean try to keep that day for meeting each other's in the family.

Weather's becoming sweater, rice fiel is tinted by yellow color and green tends to disappear.
Day's become more short, and moon bigger.
Insect are at the edge of their life, feeling soothe, here and there, big butterflies, dragonflies, and praying mantis, cicada quieter that in summer but still here.

On this photo is the beginning of the labour cycle...
and Chuseok is about when you can finally appreciate the result.

Everything is ever changing but cycle define moments, and then for the time of end of transformation, celebration and culture.
Culture of field, culture of people, culture of arts, culture of tradition, all in the word culture.

We can see the link that is clear between the cultural, the traditional, and the labor.
the word culture that includes art and tradition is in fact bound to this cycle, consisting of an effort in order to feeding ourselves according to the principes of nature.
This is why it is "sacred moment".

The equivalent of that is Thanksgiving.

So happy Chuseok day,
and if you wish to know more about ,
here are some links that show the traditional ritual in South Korea.

Color of India

In this blog, you'll find One photo / One thought / One Day.
I will number it as it goes and this will be the first page.
I will write a inspiring text, and a explanation for the photo.
The photos are some i have taken by myself, and so will be the text corresponding.

One photo / One thought / One Day - 1 -

With a so tiny brush, and three hairs of a camel or horse, one can paint a whole painting spending a full day to make it better.

What do you want to make better ?
What can you do or be so you're life is better ?

I would like to admit that changing, creating, and organizing take time... 
But in order to encourage, i would like to say
First don't stress out on the result, secondly you can make it, yes you can,
think of it a whole painting with 3 hairs ...
then, third, just begin.
Focus on what is you're tool, what is your objective, and what are the steps, 
don't think to much because it is the start, and the thinking that take most of the energy.

Okay now just do it.

You might not want to do something special,
in that case, think of something special you haven't done yet.
Talking directly to someone you know or you don't 
and have a great moment by discovering you and the others and the whole universe into a single moments. Life is short, so let it be colorful.

This photo was taken in Udaipur in India.
Real Art atelier of painting... if you pass this way, a good place to enjoy traditional indian painting.

you can see more by exploring our documentary 
Color of India Part I / and Part II on our youtube channel. 
A good way to enjoy India at home for free. Feel free to share it.

here are the links

text, photo and documentary, all rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Spacejoa Gallery Presentation

Spacejoa Gallery Presentation

Photo exhibition

  and artists artworks

Welcoming you

In an authentically 

Korean traditional house

with original installations

and inside or outside coffee surrounded by nature and rice-field

A cosy place


Just for you ;-)

more to see on the following link :

Monday, September 12, 2016


Spacejoa is a multicultural space,
it is a real place in South Korea near Yeoju,
but it is also a bunch of link, a journey into diverse websites,

-including music as i presented yesterday link to soundcloud and bandcamp,
Home-made music creation by J&D to listen for free or to buy, all as you wish.

-including a blogsite very complete
here you can find travel by country with photos and stories, part of our life,
artistic stuff, artists presentation, link and the activity of the gallery spacejoa

-including also a youtube channel
Here you can find all the documentaries or films, all home-made by J&D

In order to be connected to musical happening, new release, you can subscribe to my Facebook musical page

Sunday, September 11, 2016

J&D MUSIC - In The Beginning -1

First I would like to introduce our musical work :

As life goes by, since when i was young,
I always thought that music was a complete language on his own,
and it is really early that i start to learn to play music.

What is my music, i don't really know till the experimentation of searching and playing to what i hear in me sound to me ok.
It is a searching and a finding at the same time.

When we first meet with Joa i just start to learn to play alto saxophone.
and I was most of all atract to play Jazz,
my youth was more atract to 70's rock, indie rock, Trip-hop and Reggae.

Then, years later, we move from France to South Korea,
It gave us the possibility to create a mini home studio and start the recording of a totally home -made quality album, recorded for most of it in our space.

Here are the cover

and here is the first track,
an interpretation of the well known song Over the Rainbow

feel free to explore all the album

and if you like to contribute to our success in music, you are welcome
you can make suggestion, comment, or even buy our album digital, or compact disc (CD) for real,
directly on this site

Saturday, September 10, 2016