Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Jidai Matsuri parade in Kyoto

Jidai Matsuri parade is one of the most interesting parade in Japan.
Jidai Matsuri (festival of ages) is the one of the 3 most important festivals (Matsuri) of ancient capital of Japan, Kyoto.
This festival was created in 1895, year of the 1100th anniversary of the capital of Kyoto.
The procession is anti-chronogical, presenting the events of the most recents to oldes.

Have a look to the short movie made by Joa
Jodai Matsuri movie by Joa

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Monday, July 10, 2017

Mongolia Gobi Ultra marathon

36 participants to Gobi Ultra Marathon from the 23rd June to the 1st July in Mongolia

Have a look to 3 pages from the 1st then at the end of the page go down for 2nd and 3rd page