Sunday, November 12, 2017

Friday, November 3, 2017

SPACEJOA Winter/Spring Amazing Event

SPACEJOA 17-18 Winter / Fall Event

"Hugging Time Sudden Gallery"

11.11. 2017 - 30.10. 2018

Short video Joy in Spacejoa

Sunday, October 1, 2017

1st Video 'TOGETHER' with people who made donation

1st Video 'TOGETHER' with people who made donation to SPACEJOA's future Projects 2017-2020

Together 1 by spacejoa click

 Together ! campaign of the People's fund-raising for 'Korea to the World' planned by SPACEJOA

Support of the  Peoples' fund-raising for the Realization of the Project 'Korea to the World' organized by SPACEJOA 'Good for you and for me 너도 나도 조아( Nudo,Nado Joa)'

More info click

2nd video is starting.

Friday, September 8, 2017

IKTAE LEE - Korean artist


공간조아 2017-2018 겨울/봄 전  특별초대
SPACEJOA 2017-2018  Winter / Spring exhibition, special invited
Basic material - Korean traditional paper 'Hanji'

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Muju firefly festival in Korea

Muju is selected for its purity of Nature.

Muju, famous from Takwondo's world because in this place surrounded by wild mountains bears the Mecca of  Takwando and every year, there is a World Takwondo competiton. For this, over 180 counries represent in it.

Moreover, since 21 years old, every year, there is a firefly festival which is elected  during 5 years consecutive for the best festival in Korea.

 Dukyou Mountain in Muju

 Mujugucheondong in Muju

 The Mecca of Takwondo in Muju

Muju firefly festival click on